
  • Azizova Mukhlisa Khurshidovna First year student of English philology faculty Uzbekistan State World Languages University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan Author
  • Ergasheva Guli Ismoilovna Doctor of science, Dean of the English philology faculty Uzbekistan State World Languages University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan Author


Experimental phonetics, phonology, rhythmic pattern, systematic encouragement, virtual cooperation, amalgamation, target language.


This research is based on the analysis of the experimental phonetics and related to problems concerning pronunciation of English learners and resolutions. Points leading to these issues are an amalgamation of the native language, the age of learners, viewpoint of them, irrelevant looks and their inadequate knowledge of the phonology and phonetics systems of the English language. In addition to phonetic ability, also phonetic learning methods are reported as a vital stage which could be helped to enhance acquiring this sphere. However, the English stress rules are so intricate. Hence, depends on the main rhythmic pattern, the key for stress rules has been raised to make simpler the way to identify stressed syllables. The difference of sound system between English and the first language, some factors including phonetic ability, native language, prior English pronunciation learning, directions, and motivation might be impacted upon students’ problem in acquiring phonetics as well. It could be concluded that these findings can be used to enhance other people who find it difficult to learn pronunciation.


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How to Cite

EXPERIMENTAL PHONETICS: PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS. (2024). XALQARO KONFERENSIYA VA JURNALLARNI SIFATLI INDEXLASH XIZMATI, 1(2), 22-26. https://phoenixpublication.uz/index.php/sxv/article/view/1145